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Seek Justice After a Bicycle or Motorcycle Accident

When you've been involved in a serious accident, you need legal representation you can trust. For three decades the Law Office's of Ara J. Najarian has provided clients just like you with the compassionate and respectful legal representation they need to get their lives back on track after a motorcycle or bicycle accident. Our team of experienced personal injury attorneys will work diligently to help you and your family secure the largest possible financial award in the shortest possible amount of time, so you can repair or replace your damaged motorcycle or bicycle, get the medical treatment you need to recover from your injuries, and even arrange for counseling, if necessary, to help you emotionally bounce back from your ordeal.


Our clients can expect first-class, attentive service, regardless of where in Los Angeles the accident happened. We can even arrange to meet with you at the hospital or in your home, if desired. We're eager to answer your questions and promise to keep you up to date with any and all developments in your case so you're not left in the dark. Also, because our attorneys work on a contingency basis, we don't charge you a dime until your case is resolved.


Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents in Los Angeles Differ From Other Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents


Any motor vehicle accident has the potential to be serious, but, because motorcyclists and bicyclists lack the protective exoskeleton enjoyed by the driver and occupants of passenger vehicles, motorcycle and bicycle accidents tend to be particularly dangerous and are often deadly. Because motorcyclists and bicyclists are not well protected, injuries faced by these riders can be far more severe, requiring extensive – and expensive – treatments, long recovery periods and even special mobility equipment.


Common motorcycle accident injuries can include:


  • Head injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain damage

  • Neck and spinal injuries

  • Road rash

  • Temporary or permanent muscle damage, including paralysis

  • Burst eardrum, often resulting in loss of hearing

  • “Biker's arm” or nerve damage

  • Leg injuries, including shattered bones and knees

  • Intra-abdominal injuries


Bicyclists are also subject to many of the same types of injuries that motorcyclists face in an accident. They may also experience injuries such as:


  • Bone fractures, especially in the forearms and wrists

  • Back injuries, such as bulged or ruptured discs

  • Fractured clavicle

  • Dislocated joints

  • Dental and jaw injuries


Common Types and Causes of Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents:


It might be tempting to think that accidents and their causes are unique but, as personal injury attorneys, our lawyers see the same types of accidents again and again. For example, when it comes to motorcycle accidents, some of the most common types include:



  • Motorcycle Accident in Los Angeles

  • Head-on collisions

  • Left-turn accidents

  • Rear-end collisions

  • T-bone or side impact accidents


Common types of bicycle accidents include:


  • Car door accidents

  • Crosswalk accidents

  • Left-turn accidents

  • Right-turn accidents

  • Rear-end collisions

  • Stop sign accidents


Though the types of accidents involving bicyclists and motorcyclists can vary, the causes behind such crashes are eerily similar. Common causes of bicycle and motorcycle accidents include:



Regardless, you shouldn't be forced to live with the aftermath of another motorist's recklessness. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you determine if you're able to pursue compensation for damages sustained in an accident.


Statute of Limitations in California Personal Injury Cases


California state law limits the amount of time a person has to file a personal injury case. These laws, known as the statute of limitations, let potential plaintiffs know exactly how long they have to file a lawsuit. In California, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is two years. Plaintiffs must file their lawsuit within two years of the date the accident occurred, or risk forfeiting their ability to have their case heard.


If you or someone you care about has been injured, give us a call right away. (818) 549-0808



Law Offices Of Ara J. Najarian 
500 N. Brand Blvd. 

Suite 830

Glendale, CA 91203

(818) 549-0808

Habla español. Si necesita cualquier otra información, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo. 


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​​​​© 2019 Law Offices Of Ara J. Najarian

Written & Designed By Nadine Christine Hamdan
Powered by Innovative Souls 

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