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unfortunately Are Not Uncommon

Causes Of Action In Pedestrian Cases:


Passing vehicles are a constant threat to pedestrians, and sometimes drivers make mistakes that end up causing severe injuries, or even death. For the victims of pedestrian involved accidents, and their families, it can seem like all hope is lost. However, the law protects pedestrians and provides remedies for injuries suffered as a result of someone's careless driving. Obtaining the right legal help is critical to your ability to recover monetary damages for your pain and suffering, lost wages, and other forms of loss. However, in order to take advantage of the law – you need a Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorney who can help you.


Filing a lawsuit for injuries suffered as a pedestrian is a fairly complicated legal matter. The most common basis for filing a lawsuit is negligence. When you speak to our Los Angeles pedestrian accident lawyers, the first thing we do is help you understand IF you have a case. An action for negligence asserts that the driver failed to use reasonable care when operating his or her vehicle. It must also be shown that the driver’s careless act was what caused the accident and that you (the plaintiff) suffered some type of injury or damages.


In most cases, when a pedestrian is injured, it is not difficult to demonstrate that he or she has suffered damages. Unfortunately, when a pedestrian is hit by a car, he or she often suffers serious physical injury which is usually long-lasting, if not permanent. Injured pedestrians have a right to recover money for their injuries, but it is important to seek an appropriate amount to cover the costs associated with such serious injury.


Another type of action that can be used is wrongful death. In the case that a pedestrian dies as a result of someone’s driving behavior, his or her close relatives may be able to sue for wrongful death. If the family is able to win the lawsuit, they may recover compensatory damages for the loss of their family member. Filing such lawsuits helps grieving families to deal with the costs of losing a loved one, and serves as a quasi-punishment for the person or company (in the case of a company driver) who failed to take care when driving.


Finally, under some very specific circumstances, a plaintiff (or victim) may be able to file a suit for premises liability. This situation usually doesn’t involve a careless driver, rather it concerns a dangerous condition on private property which harms a pedestrian. When an owner of property has allowed the premises to fall into a dangerous state of disrepair, or knowingly allows a dangerous condition to continue, he or she can be liable for resulting injuries. If you have been hit by a falling object on someone’s property, or have fallen or otherwise suffered injuries, you should consult  with our law firm right away to determine if you have a valid claim.






There are a few different types of reasons one can get monetary damages as a result of a pedestrian accident. The first, and obvious, reason is for medical expenses incurred as a result of the accident. Since injuries in these accidents are generally severe, it is important to seek an appropriate amount to ensure the victim is not left paying medical expenses for something they didn’t cause.  


In addition to medical expenses, a victim can seek damages for pain and suffering. When a victim is forced to live out the rest of his or her life with continuing pain (after the initial medical treatment), he or she can seek to be compensated for such suffering. The amount of money which can be obtained for this type of damage is a question of fact for the jury. Thus, you’ll need skilled Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorney, such as those at the Law Offices of Ara J. Najarian, to build a strong case for your pain and suffering damages.


Finally, an injured pedestrian might be able to obtain compensation for lost wages as a result of the accident. These damages will seek to fill the void in employment which often occurs during a time of serious injury. For most victims, this compensation is a very important part of the overall award of damages. Victims often lose a great deal of money trying to recuperate from their injuries, and need compensation to help them from losing their car, home, and to pay bills. REACH OUT TO US



Law Offices Of Ara J. Najarian 
500 N. Brand Blvd. 

Suite 830

Glendale, CA 91203

(818) 549-0808

Habla español. Si necesita cualquier otra información, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo. 


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Written & Designed By Nadine Christine Hamdan
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